


タイトルの通り、Unity のリリースノートから「HoloLens」のキーワードが入っているものを調べました。

確認したのは Unity 2018.4.23Unity 2020.1.0のリリースノートです。


Unity 2019.1

  • XR: Fixed head-tracking and rendering for in-editor remoting to HoloLens devices (1138473, 1140716)

Unity 2019.1.7

  • XR: Fixed issue in HoloLens where we weren't using the correct anchor view for switching away from on screen keyboard in XAML. (1156224, 1156227)

Unity 2019.2.1

  • XR: Editor crash when using holographic emulator with hololens (1141385, 1163557)

  • XR: Fix issue with Depth Based LSR on HoloLens V2 that caused significant jitter. (1169760, 1169761)

Unity 2019.2.3

  • XR: Prevent Hololens app pause when switching focus to a 2D view within a running application.

Unity 2019.2.4

  • XR: Fixed a memory issue in HoloLens SurfaceObserver. (1176047, 1176063)

Unity 2019.2.9

  • XR: Fixed a instability issues with Depth based LSR for HoloLens V1 devices. (1174865, 1182448)

Unity 2019.2.11

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard's SHIFT key duplicating last typed character on HoloLens. (1184623, 1191743)

  • XR: Added HoloLens 2 as a device name when running on HoloLens 2 devices. (1161756, 1188262)

Unity 2019.2.17

  • XR: Fixed an issue that would cause the Editor Hololens Remote device to improperly set before connecting.

Unity 2019.3.0

  • XR: Fix hololens remoting connect failure once connect has failed at least 1 time. (1204419)
    This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • XR: Fixed disconnecting after exiting play mode while remoting to Hololens. (1137090)
    This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.

Unity 2019.3.3

  • XR: Fixed Hololens 2 pausing when UserPresence is lost with RunInBackground enabled. (1217943)

Unity 2019.3.6

  • XR: Fix crash when you connect to a Hololens 2 using the HolographicRemoting scripting api and then enable Windows Mixed Reality.

Unity 2019.4.5

  • XR: Add more details to error message when Hololens remoting fails to load the dll. (1161718)

  • XR: Fixed assert due to invalid camera pose on first frame of Hololens remoting connect. (1243433)

Unity 2020.1.0

  • XR: Fixed Holographic Emulation Window remoting bug that caused Unity to remote to Hololens 1 devices when Hololens 2 was selected.

  • XR: Fixed Hololens 2 camera snapshots not containing Unity app content.

  • XR: Prevent Hololens app pause when switching focus to a 2D view within a running application.
